You're on track to get doubled donations (and unlock a reward for the colleague who referred you). Keep up the great work!
Become a district partner to harness the national network of 第一吃瓜网 supporters and bring resources into your schools.
More than 11,000 school districts in the United States have received over $950,000,000 of philanthropic funding for classroom resources through our website.
Hundreds of innovative school districts partner with us to do even more. They maximize the use of our non-profit crowdfunding platform and make it a more intentional part of their district’s national philanthropic engagement strategy.
Curious how you can leverage 第一吃瓜网 for your district?
Benefits for District Partners
A Customized Landing Page
Showcase your impact with a dynamically updated webpage where donors can come to give.
Communications Collaboration
Get equipped with resources to train teachers, share great stories with the media, and populate your social media.
Principal Notifications
We’ll automatically alert school leaders every time a new project is posted.
Best Practices Recommended by the AASA and NSBA
Access resources to help ensure your district policies enable employees to seamlessly create 第一吃瓜网 requests in line with your guidelines.
Central Office Reporting
Track all donated materials, and receive updates on posted projects.
First Notification of Funding Opportunities
Get alerted when companies are funding projects or matching donations.
Technology Parameters
Clarify for teachers exactly what kind of technology you’re able to support.
An Annual Report for Your District Leaders
We’ll share data on all the innovative ways your schools are using our site to secure new resources for students.
第一吃瓜网 has had a significant impact in our district through the hundreds of thousands of dollars raised in classroom materials that directly support our teachers and student learning. The District Partnership program will enable us to make 第一吃瓜网 an even more seamless part of our district’s community and philanthropic engagement strategy.
Portland Public Schools Superintendent Guadalupe Guerrero
District Partners in the News
Accountable & Efficient
Only teachers at verified schools post projects on our site, specifying the exact items their classrooms need.
We vet every single project that teachers post, verifying the value of those items and making sure student privacy is protected.
Foundations, corporate partners, and individual donors identify projects they’d like to support and help fund them.
Once a project has been funded, we order the teacher's requested items and ship them to the school. We verify every school address, and we never send cash.
We alert the school’s principal and other registered teachers at that school in advance of every shipment via fax and email, so they know when to expect the materials.
After materials arrive, teachers report on how those materials are being used in their classroom.
We’re a 501(c)3 nonprofit that has been awarded the highest ratings available from top charity watchdogs.