These tablets will be used to integrate technology as a way to reinforce my students' academic standards as well as allow them opportunities to create in a digital format that is akin to their prior understanding of digital tools. There are many educational applications available on these devices to differentiate for student needs, either reteaching and reinforcing topics previously covered, or to accelerate the learning process.
Access to digital tools, such as tablets, allows the students to be fully engaged, think critically, and create with infinite possibilities. They act as a suitable and fun extension of traditional classroom teaching. The tablets I have chosen for my class will be used in small groups to expand on the topics discussed during the days lesson with defined objectives. They are not intended to be a replacement, but rather a supplement to strengthen each student's knowledge.
Additionally, in order to continue the development of my students' fine motor skills, which is always a top priority, the styluses play an important role in teaching students to grip, use pressure with instruments, and preform precise movements.
About my class
These tablets will be used to integrate technology as a way to reinforce my students' academic standards as well as allow them opportunities to create in a digital format that is akin to their prior understanding of digital tools. There are many educational applications available on these devices to differentiate for student needs, either reteaching and reinforcing topics previously covered, or to accelerate the learning process.
Access to digital tools, such as tablets, allows the students to be fully engaged, think critically, and create with infinite possibilities. They act as a suitable and fun extension of traditional classroom teaching. The tablets I have chosen for my class will be used in small groups to expand on the topics discussed during the days lesson with defined objectives. They are not intended to be a replacement, but rather a supplement to strengthen each student's knowledge.
Additionally, in order to continue the development of my students' fine motor skills, which is always a top priority, the styluses play an important role in teaching students to grip, use pressure with instruments, and preform precise movements.
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