In the best of meeting our students' needs, our district has provided us with a classroom set of Ipads for student use. We use these iPads every single day, during Math centers as a technology station, which provides the students with individualized, geared instruction, during guided reading time to read books and build comprehension, and during Social Studies and Science to complete inquiry-based learning and research different topics of interest to them. In order to complete these tasks effectively, the students need the ability to focus in on their work and stay engaged the entire time. The use of headphones, in this case, is key. Our current set of 6 headphones was handed down from a retired teacher and are quite old. They do not work very well, and are very uncomfortable to the kids, meaning that often times the kids do not want to use them. Many of the programs they complete on the iPads require sound, which can be very distracting to those around them working in other groups. I am hoping to get a set of new headphones for my students so that they can comfortably stay engaged and focused the entire time, ensuring all students' learning time is uninterrupted and as effective as possible!
About my class
In the best of meeting our students' needs, our district has provided us with a classroom set of Ipads for student use. We use these iPads every single day, during Math centers as a technology station, which provides the students with individualized, geared instruction, during guided reading time to read books and build comprehension, and during Social Studies and Science to complete inquiry-based learning and research different topics of interest to them. In order to complete these tasks effectively, the students need the ability to focus in on their work and stay engaged the entire time. The use of headphones, in this case, is key. Our current set of 6 headphones was handed down from a retired teacher and are quite old. They do not work very well, and are very uncomfortable to the kids, meaning that often times the kids do not want to use them. Many of the programs they complete on the iPads require sound, which can be very distracting to those around them working in other groups. I am hoping to get a set of new headphones for my students so that they can comfortably stay engaged and focused the entire time, ensuring all students' learning time is uninterrupted and as effective as possible!
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