Literature circles are a dynamic approach that assist in helping increase student engagement, collaboration, and leadership in the English-Language Arts classroom. Each month, students will work in small groups, reading a piece of literature, creating a reading schedule, fulfilling a chosen role and coming together each week to discuss that week's reading assignment. Literature circles provide students with the opportunity to take control of the learning process, challenging them to analyze and look deeply at a text, while teaching the value of leadership, collaborative conversation and critical thinking.
Students will have the opportunity to plan a course of action, design their own schedule, and choose a role they wish to focus on during each week's reading assignment, which will place them in the driver's seat throughout the entire literature-circle process. Literature circles will give my students a place to come together and take ownership of their learning, allowing them the opportunity to get lost in a book and find the simple joys that come from reading from cover to cover. It is my goal to make literature circles a time students look forward to participating in each week, a safe place to grow as students and individuals while learning valuable lifelong lessons in the process. My students and I would greatly appreciate your support to make this goal a reality. Thank you!
About my class
Literature circles are a dynamic approach that assist in helping increase student engagement, collaboration, and leadership in the English-Language Arts classroom. Each month, students will work in small groups, reading a piece of literature, creating a reading schedule, fulfilling a chosen role and coming together each week to discuss that week's reading assignment. Literature circles provide students with the opportunity to take control of the learning process, challenging them to analyze and look deeply at a text, while teaching the value of leadership, collaborative conversation and critical thinking.
Students will have the opportunity to plan a course of action, design their own schedule, and choose a role they wish to focus on during each week's reading assignment, which will place them in the driver's seat throughout the entire literature-circle process. Literature circles will give my students a place to come together and take ownership of their learning, allowing them the opportunity to get lost in a book and find the simple joys that come from reading from cover to cover. It is my goal to make literature circles a time students look forward to participating in each week, a safe place to grow as students and individuals while learning valuable lifelong lessons in the process. My students and I would greatly appreciate your support to make this goal a reality. Thank you!
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