I am the gifted education specialist at a wonderfully diverse neighborhood school. As the educational winds have been changing (in structure, in reputation, in funding), I have spent countless hours and dollars searching for curriculum and materials that meet the rigor needs of the Common Core State Standards, as well as the engagement needs of my students. The Donors Choose site and community provides much-needed wind to my sails, assuring me that I'm not on my own, and that education still matters to the public.
My kids are a wildly intelligent, enthusiastic, and colorful bunch. I want desperately to preserve their optimism and love for school, so that they can shatter our district's stereotype, get a good education, and be the leaders of tomorrow.
About my class
I am the gifted education specialist at a wonderfully diverse neighborhood school. As the educational winds have been changing (in structure, in reputation, in funding), I have spent countless hours and dollars searching for curriculum and materials that meet the rigor needs of the Common Core State Standards, as well as the engagement needs of my students. The Donors Choose site and community provides much-needed wind to my sails, assuring me that I'm not on my own, and that education still matters to the public.
My kids are a wildly intelligent, enthusiastic, and colorful bunch. I want desperately to preserve their optimism and love for school, so that they can shatter our district's stereotype, get a good education, and be the leaders of tomorrow.
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