Every student has a story to tell and make come alive.
I teach Theatre Arts in a Title I district in North Carolina where 100% of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. Some come from dire circumstances unable to afford a $10 field trip or basic class supplies causing them to believe their dreams cannot become a reality. In Theatre Arts, they can dream, explore, and ultimately realize "now" is not forever; they can create a better future. Theatre Arts empowers them to make their stories a reality, in all their messy glory, through acting and all the technical areas: costumes, lighting, makeup, props, sets, sound; even through film. It also prepares them for future careers of all sorts, not just in the entertainment industry. This shows in how my students are eager to present shows for local elementary schools helping those children dream too. Let's make their dreams and stories come alive!
About my class
Every student has a story to tell and make come alive.
I teach Theatre Arts in a Title I district in North Carolina where 100% of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. Some come from dire circumstances unable to afford a $10 field trip or basic class supplies causing them to believe their dreams cannot become a reality. In Theatre Arts, they can dream, explore, and ultimately realize "now" is not forever; they can create a better future. Theatre Arts empowers them to make their stories a reality, in all their messy glory, through acting and all the technical areas: costumes, lighting, makeup, props, sets, sound; even through film. It also prepares them for future careers of all sorts, not just in the entertainment industry. This shows in how my students are eager to present shows for local elementary schools helping those children dream too. Let's make their dreams and stories come alive!
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