Our students come from a very low income, working class neighborhood. They are 9 and 10 year old's who are incredibly eager to learn. They are learning either English or Spanish as their second (or third!) language. They value education greatly, as well as being kind! They strive to attend college and lead lives that will drive change in their communities. Our school is one of the oldest charter schools in California. We educate our students in ALL subjects through integrated, thematic instruction. For example, we apply our language arts, math, art, music, and critical thinking skills while studying the science and history of the state of California. By connecting all of the information for them, they are able to not only learn, but teach and apply what they know! Our students rise to our challenging curriculum, experience and express compassion, and still remain silly, fun 4th graders. :)
About my class
Our students come from a very low income, working class neighborhood. They are 9 and 10 year old's who are incredibly eager to learn. They are learning either English or Spanish as their second (or third!) language. They value education greatly, as well as being kind! They strive to attend college and lead lives that will drive change in their communities. Our school is one of the oldest charter schools in California. We educate our students in ALL subjects through integrated, thematic instruction. For example, we apply our language arts, math, art, music, and critical thinking skills while studying the science and history of the state of California. By connecting all of the information for them, they are able to not only learn, but teach and apply what they know! Our students rise to our challenging curriculum, experience and express compassion, and still remain silly, fun 4th graders. :)
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