These resources promote Nevada Academic Content Standards by developing skills in reading, writing (W.2.1 & W.2.2), spelling, math, and social-emotional-learning.
A lot of the resources are interactive ways of learning that help students to decode (Phonics and Word Recognition RF.2.3), spell irregularly spelled words (Phonics and Word Recognition RF.2.3.F), read informational texts (Reading RL.2.5), understand key details (Reading RI.2.1), use context clues (Speaking and Language L.2.4.A), add and subtract (Math 2.NBT.B.5), solve word problems (Math 2.OA.A.1), tell time (Math 2.MD.C.7), and measure (Math 2.MD.A.1).
The rewards such as fidgets are to promote positive behaviors inside of the classroom (Speaking and Listening SL.2.1.A). My classroom is used to being at home during school and doing what they want, so it has been difficult to manage their behavior while teaching. I am confident that the rewards will motivate students to stay focused during instruction, participate (Speaking and Language SL.2.1), complete their work, raise their hand, and be kind.
About my class
These resources promote Nevada Academic Content Standards by developing skills in reading, writing (W.2.1 & W.2.2), spelling, math, and social-emotional-learning.
A lot of the resources are interactive ways of learning that help students to decode (Phonics and Word Recognition RF.2.3), spell irregularly spelled words (Phonics and Word Recognition RF.2.3.F), read informational texts (Reading RL.2.5), understand key details (Reading RI.2.1), use context clues (Speaking and Language L.2.4.A), add and subtract (Math 2.NBT.B.5), solve word problems (Math 2.OA.A.1), tell time (Math 2.MD.C.7), and measure (Math 2.MD.A.1).
The rewards such as fidgets are to promote positive behaviors inside of the classroom (Speaking and Listening SL.2.1.A). My classroom is used to being at home during school and doing what they want, so it has been difficult to manage their behavior while teaching. I am confident that the rewards will motivate students to stay focused during instruction, participate (Speaking and Language SL.2.1), complete their work, raise their hand, and be kind.
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