Since returning to the building I am trying to engage my students as much as possible. This project will enhance my students’ educational experience because give them access to necessary technology, such as calculators, as well as provide them with opportunities to visualize and internalize math concepts using manipulatives and games. My students will benefit directly as a result of being able to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, use appropriate tools strategically, and attend to precision. Specifically, the manipulatives, games, and other tools here will help my students on standards: MATH 7.NSA.1, 7.NSA.2, 7.NSA.3, and 7.RPA.3, as well as HSA.CED.A1, HSA.CED.A4, HSA.REI.B.3. These items should also address some gaps in knowledge that may exist due to the challenges of virtual learning over the past 18 months. As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, my students need these scaffolds, assistance in visualizing and understanding mathematical concepts, and a calm, safe-space in which to learn. This project will help them in these areas.
Also, the materials I am requesting, calculators and manipulatives, will nurture my students’ interest in mathematics. My hope is that these items, along with the décor, will make a qualitative difference in the culture, climate, and instruction in my classroom and create a group of lifelong learners.
About my class
Since returning to the building I am trying to engage my students as much as possible. This project will enhance my students’ educational experience because give them access to necessary technology, such as calculators, as well as provide them with opportunities to visualize and internalize math concepts using manipulatives and games. My students will benefit directly as a result of being able to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, use appropriate tools strategically, and attend to precision. Specifically, the manipulatives, games, and other tools here will help my students on standards: MATH 7.NSA.1, 7.NSA.2, 7.NSA.3, and 7.RPA.3, as well as HSA.CED.A1, HSA.CED.A4, HSA.REI.B.3. These items should also address some gaps in knowledge that may exist due to the challenges of virtual learning over the past 18 months. As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, my students need these scaffolds, assistance in visualizing and understanding mathematical concepts, and a calm, safe-space in which to learn. This project will help them in these areas.
Also, the materials I am requesting, calculators and manipulatives, will nurture my students’ interest in mathematics. My hope is that these items, along with the décor, will make a qualitative difference in the culture, climate, and instruction in my classroom and create a group of lifelong learners.
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