Our school recently adopted new curriculum for grades K-12 linking to state standards. We serve a variety of students with disabilities with unique learning needs. Funds for this project will be directed to support these students and their education and learning needs.
In order to provide access to curriculum and to build literacy skill, materials and curriculum need to be adapted to facilitate access and engagement. These adaptations will assist in promoting access to curriculum for those with physical and learning impairments, as well as a variety of communication and literacy levels. These adaptations may include adding forms of communication such as tactile supports for those with vision impairments, adding appropriate symbols to enhance receptive and expressive communication skills with the literature, such as providing real objects or real-life photos to accompany literary text. These adaptations are a function of best practices and research supported methods of instruction when serving individuals with significant impairments.
These adaptations will assist in active participation and engagement with curriculum, sustain learning, and provide a bridge to curriculum standards targeted for norm age peer learning targets. Furthermore, with individualized materials, classrooms can facilitate group engagement and learning, increasing peer-to-peer interactions, building friendships and socially appropriate behavior. Needed adaptations materials will range from supports with literacy materials such as grade level books including Holes and Number the Stars to Early literacy skills working towards building vocabulary and phonics. These materials and adaptations will assist in the process of building student skill sets and closing the gap between students with disabilities and their grade level peers. In addition, because each student will have curriculum adapted to their needs, should a student or school need to move to distance learning materials could be sent home, ready and adapted to continue educational services and learning.
About my class
Our school recently adopted new curriculum for grades K-12 linking to state standards. We serve a variety of students with disabilities with unique learning needs. Funds for this project will be directed to support these students and their education and learning needs.
In order to provide access to curriculum and to build literacy skill, materials and curriculum need to be adapted to facilitate access and engagement. These adaptations will assist in promoting access to curriculum for those with physical and learning impairments, as well as a variety of communication and literacy levels. These adaptations may include adding forms of communication such as tactile supports for those with vision impairments, adding appropriate symbols to enhance receptive and expressive communication skills with the literature, such as providing real objects or real-life photos to accompany literary text. These adaptations are a function of best practices and research supported methods of instruction when serving individuals with significant impairments.
These adaptations will assist in active participation and engagement with curriculum, sustain learning, and provide a bridge to curriculum standards targeted for norm age peer learning targets. Furthermore, with individualized materials, classrooms can facilitate group engagement and learning, increasing peer-to-peer interactions, building friendships and socially appropriate behavior. Needed adaptations materials will range from supports with literacy materials such as grade level books including Holes and Number the Stars to Early literacy skills working towards building vocabulary and phonics. These materials and adaptations will assist in the process of building student skill sets and closing the gap between students with disabilities and their grade level peers. In addition, because each student will have curriculum adapted to their needs, should a student or school need to move to distance learning materials could be sent home, ready and adapted to continue educational services and learning.
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