My 2nd grade class doesn't have access to technology in the classroom other than an active board. We are not a Title I school where we have access to funding, so we rely on our parent faculty association to help fund technology. As of now, we have one laptop we share amongst 19 students. This has been especially difficult with digital learning needs and trying to catch students up from interruptions over the last year.
Three IPads would be a huge advantage and give technological access to many students. Students that need help with distance learning would be allowed to borrow one for their time at home. Daily, in the classroom, students would be able to use the IPad to support reading instruction, STEM research, math interventions, and social-emotional learning. By donating to my project you will bring accessibility to 19 deserving students, allowing for more differentiated instruction to those who need it and at-home access to technology if a need arises.
About my class
My 2nd grade class doesn't have access to technology in the classroom other than an active board. We are not a Title I school where we have access to funding, so we rely on our parent faculty association to help fund technology. As of now, we have one laptop we share amongst 19 students. This has been especially difficult with digital learning needs and trying to catch students up from interruptions over the last year.
Three IPads would be a huge advantage and give technological access to many students. Students that need help with distance learning would be allowed to borrow one for their time at home. Daily, in the classroom, students would be able to use the IPad to support reading instruction, STEM research, math interventions, and social-emotional learning. By donating to my project you will bring accessibility to 19 deserving students, allowing for more differentiated instruction to those who need it and at-home access to technology if a need arises.