As a first year teacher, there are many hurdles that I think I will face within the next year. I do not want one of those hurdles to be that I'm not able to provide my students with the tools, supplies, and supports that need to be successful third graders.
My hope is to humbly seek out the support of other educators who understand this struggle, because we've all been first year teachers at one point. I'm unfortunately inheriting an empty classroom, which is currently a storage space, and although the wonderful teachers around me are offering any extra supplies they have, I still have a long way to go.
My situation should not mean that my students have to suffer the consequences of having the "new teacher" with the barren classroom. All of the supplies in this project will be used to engage students in meaningful group activities, team projects, and artistic expression!
About my class
As a first year teacher, there are many hurdles that I think I will face within the next year. I do not want one of those hurdles to be that I'm not able to provide my students with the tools, supplies, and supports that need to be successful third graders.
My hope is to humbly seek out the support of other educators who understand this struggle, because we've all been first year teachers at one point. I'm unfortunately inheriting an empty classroom, which is currently a storage space, and although the wonderful teachers around me are offering any extra supplies they have, I still have a long way to go.
My situation should not mean that my students have to suffer the consequences of having the "new teacher" with the barren classroom. All of the supplies in this project will be used to engage students in meaningful group activities, team projects, and artistic expression!