The geometry unit on nets, solid figures, and surface area is often a favorite with my students. However, some students have a hard time visualizing the nets and three dimensional shapes. I have a teacher set of the magnetic tiles and 3D shapes that I use during this unit. Since many students are visual learners, I often have a line forming at the front of the room to use the manipulatives, It would be wonderful to have manipulatives available for all students to help them succeed during this challenging unit.
Having magnetic tiles and solid figures will help my students be able to produce the nets and shapes on their own instead of seeing them in a book. The use of manipulatives will enhance their learning experience.
About my class
The geometry unit on nets, solid figures, and surface area is often a favorite with my students. However, some students have a hard time visualizing the nets and three dimensional shapes. I have a teacher set of the magnetic tiles and 3D shapes that I use during this unit. Since many students are visual learners, I often have a line forming at the front of the room to use the manipulatives, It would be wonderful to have manipulatives available for all students to help them succeed during this challenging unit.
Having magnetic tiles and solid figures will help my students be able to produce the nets and shapes on their own instead of seeing them in a book. The use of manipulatives will enhance their learning experience.