As a society, we think our young generation coming up are really struggling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, anger, etc. We see it starting as early in elementary school. If they don't develop positive coping strategies and tools to help them self-regulate their emotions in healthy ways now, then it escalates into unhealthy coping patterns as they get older i.e. substance abuse, violence, anger, etc. We use the Zones of Regulation curriculum, and it teaches the kids all about self control, and provides them tools (i.e deep belly breathing, journal writing, smashing play dough, squeezing a squishy, walking away, taking a break, talking to a counselor, listening to calming music ). Many of these tools are needed in the calm down boxes we are trying to create for the classrooms. They know they have choices, and those choices can be applied when they become adults as well (i.e praying, listening to music, talking to a friend, talking to a counselor, walking away from the situation, etc.)
About my class
As a society, we think our young generation coming up are really struggling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, anger, etc. We see it starting as early in elementary school. If they don't develop positive coping strategies and tools to help them self-regulate their emotions in healthy ways now, then it escalates into unhealthy coping patterns as they get older i.e. substance abuse, violence, anger, etc. We use the Zones of Regulation curriculum, and it teaches the kids all about self control, and provides them tools (i.e deep belly breathing, journal writing, smashing play dough, squeezing a squishy, walking away, taking a break, talking to a counselor, listening to calming music ). Many of these tools are needed in the calm down boxes we are trying to create for the classrooms. They know they have choices, and those choices can be applied when they become adults as well (i.e praying, listening to music, talking to a friend, talking to a counselor, walking away from the situation, etc.)
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