My students are inner-city, low socio-economic children. Most of them come from single-parent homes. They are on free and reduced lunch. They cannot afford school supplies, much less the books and other materials needed for real world learning. These are students who have the potential to be the mayors, doctors, teachers, CEO's, coaches, etc. of the future, but won't have that without the help of teachers and community members. They are children who go to bed at night wishing for more than they have and knowing the only way they will get it is if someone, in addition to their parent provides it. They are children who deserve to be taught to their potential, who have teachers that want to provide that for them, but need the support of the community to help provide the resources. They are people who need to feel the support of those who don't know them, but are willing to help them succeed.
About my class
My students are inner-city, low socio-economic children. Most of them come from single-parent homes. They are on free and reduced lunch. They cannot afford school supplies, much less the books and other materials needed for real world learning. These are students who have the potential to be the mayors, doctors, teachers, CEO's, coaches, etc. of the future, but won't have that without the help of teachers and community members. They are children who go to bed at night wishing for more than they have and knowing the only way they will get it is if someone, in addition to their parent provides it. They are children who deserve to be taught to their potential, who have teachers that want to provide that for them, but need the support of the community to help provide the resources. They are people who need to feel the support of those who don't know them, but are willing to help them succeed.
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