Students will use the earbuds and wireless mice with the Google Chromebooks that we already have in our classroom. I teach in a rural school district where 100% receive free lunch. We have tried to put headphones on the school supplies list, but everyone can't afford them. These accessories will help them work on online applications and reading programs more easily. My students could use these headphones during class to block out noise if they are easily distracted. As a reading teacher, I work with struggling readers every day. We work towards their mastery of fluency (identifying words accurately and fluently), vocabulary, and comprehension strategies.
Students have various learning styles, so they benefit from engaging reading programs or listening to audio as they read independently on their Chromebooks.
However tech-savvy some of my students become, we still spend time writing with pencils and paper, which develops their handwriting and fine motor skills. I often put creative, engaging writing prompts for my students to respond in their journals to when they enter my class. Every year, my manual pencil sharpener breaks at some point, and students must leave the classroom to sharpen their pencils in another classroom. With an electric sharpener, we could save time and students could stay inside the classroom instead of having to go to another room.
About my class
Students will use the earbuds and wireless mice with the Google Chromebooks that we already have in our classroom. I teach in a rural school district where 100% receive free lunch. We have tried to put headphones on the school supplies list, but everyone can't afford them. These accessories will help them work on online applications and reading programs more easily. My students could use these headphones during class to block out noise if they are easily distracted. As a reading teacher, I work with struggling readers every day. We work towards their mastery of fluency (identifying words accurately and fluently), vocabulary, and comprehension strategies.
Students have various learning styles, so they benefit from engaging reading programs or listening to audio as they read independently on their Chromebooks.
However tech-savvy some of my students become, we still spend time writing with pencils and paper, which develops their handwriting and fine motor skills. I often put creative, engaging writing prompts for my students to respond in their journals to when they enter my class. Every year, my manual pencil sharpener breaks at some point, and students must leave the classroom to sharpen their pencils in another classroom. With an electric sharpener, we could save time and students could stay inside the classroom instead of having to go to another room.
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