Have you ever had to sit on a hard floor? Many lessons and activities in my classroom are done on our classroom floor. It is very uncomfortable and affects student learning. Students are either required to sit on the hard floor or at their desk. Children need to be able to wiggle and move around when they work/learn. As a teacher, we are not allowed much funding or resources to help adapt for the changing generations. I have heard many great things about flexible seating which gives students an opportunity to work and learn more efficiently by letting the students choose where and how they would like to work. In my graduate class, our facilitators often give us, adults, the option to spread around the room and work how we work best. I always notice that the majority of these adults prefer to NOT sit and work at a desk. They would rather stand, lay on their stomachs, or sit on the floor. I think my students deserve the same options and I want to give them the best!
Research shows that flexible seating increases collaboration, student focus, engagement, and helps differentiate and individualize learning.
About my class
Have you ever had to sit on a hard floor? Many lessons and activities in my classroom are done on our classroom floor. It is very uncomfortable and affects student learning. Students are either required to sit on the hard floor or at their desk. Children need to be able to wiggle and move around when they work/learn. As a teacher, we are not allowed much funding or resources to help adapt for the changing generations. I have heard many great things about flexible seating which gives students an opportunity to work and learn more efficiently by letting the students choose where and how they would like to work. In my graduate class, our facilitators often give us, adults, the option to spread around the room and work how we work best. I always notice that the majority of these adults prefer to NOT sit and work at a desk. They would rather stand, lay on their stomachs, or sit on the floor. I think my students deserve the same options and I want to give them the best!
Research shows that flexible seating increases collaboration, student focus, engagement, and helps differentiate and individualize learning.