Students will use Genius Hour to research what they are passionate about, it could be a question, a problem or an action/cause they want to help. They will develop a written plan of action for their project. Student will complete a written research report, cite their sources, and create a digital presentation using the iPad to access apps such as: Animoto, Prezi, Green Screen, iMovie, Movie Maker. Voki, Book Creator, PowToon, VoiceThread, Tellagami, QR Code Creator, Educreations, Haiku Deck, Storybird, and Tiki Toki.
This presentation must answer their question, provide sources and will be loaded into their digital portfolio on Seesaw. This will be presented to the class and shared with family. Students will repeat the process choosing another question/passion or cause.
About my class
Students will use Genius Hour to research what they are passionate about, it could be a question, a problem or an action/cause they want to help. They will develop a written plan of action for their project. Student will complete a written research report, cite their sources, and create a digital presentation using the iPad to access apps such as: Animoto, Prezi, Green Screen, iMovie, Movie Maker. Voki, Book Creator, PowToon, VoiceThread, Tellagami, QR Code Creator, Educreations, Haiku Deck, Storybird, and Tiki Toki.
This presentation must answer their question, provide sources and will be loaded into their digital portfolio on Seesaw. This will be presented to the class and shared with family. Students will repeat the process choosing another question/passion or cause.
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