All students need sufficient materials to help them learn new mathematical concepts. Students gain understanding not only from direct teacher input but also by playing math games and using math manipulatives to literally build and solve problems.
The materials I am requesting will help students build mathematical comprehension. Playing math games also supports social development as students challenge, support, collaborate and problem solve with each other. Most importantly, all of these materials will help make math more fun in our classroom.
Playing cards and dice can be used to play an infinite number of games that help students develop number sense, strategic problem solving, and fluency. The trays will help students keep their materials organized while working with manipulatives and will be useful for science and art projects as well.
The requested easel pads and markers will help me provide my students with visual models for learning math. These visual models can make abstract concepts, such as fractions, more accessible to students when they are first introduced.
Many of my students have become very resistant to math by the age of 10 or 11. All of these materials will help me build their self-confidence as mathematicians so that they continue to be curious about math and how it applies to the world in which we live.
About my class
All students need sufficient materials to help them learn new mathematical concepts. Students gain understanding not only from direct teacher input but also by playing math games and using math manipulatives to literally build and solve problems.
The materials I am requesting will help students build mathematical comprehension. Playing math games also supports social development as students challenge, support, collaborate and problem solve with each other. Most importantly, all of these materials will help make math more fun in our classroom.
Playing cards and dice can be used to play an infinite number of games that help students develop number sense, strategic problem solving, and fluency. The trays will help students keep their materials organized while working with manipulatives and will be useful for science and art projects as well.
The requested easel pads and markers will help me provide my students with visual models for learning math. These visual models can make abstract concepts, such as fractions, more accessible to students when they are first introduced.
Many of my students have become very resistant to math by the age of 10 or 11. All of these materials will help me build their self-confidence as mathematicians so that they continue to be curious about math and how it applies to the world in which we live.