My pre-Kindergarten class serves a diverse group of 4 and 5 year olds, excited to start their public school careers. We are fortunate to serve a diverse group of families in an extremely diverse school district. Our preschool is often the first experience our students have with structured learning and with a classroom of peers. The foundation of our work is developing social-emotional skills but we also work on fine motor, gross motor and pre-academic skills, all through developmentally appropriate, play-based strategies. It is an extremely exciting (and active!) place to be.
About my class
My pre-Kindergarten class serves a diverse group of 4 and 5 year olds, excited to start their public school careers. We are fortunate to serve a diverse group of families in an extremely diverse school district. Our preschool is often the first experience our students have with structured learning and with a classroom of peers. The foundation of our work is developing social-emotional skills but we also work on fine motor, gross motor and pre-academic skills, all through developmentally appropriate, play-based strategies. It is an extremely exciting (and active!) place to be.