Graduating high school is something to be proud of. Continuing your education beyond high school is also something to be proud of! Having this College SIGN-ing Day event in our district will show all students, kindergarten through high school, the importance of continuing their education.
My students have the opportunity to share their success with our whole school district. The Class of 2018 will proudly parade through our elementary, middle, and high schools and share their future pathways. At the event, there will be signs for every future educational and vocational commitment. These will be the signs that will be held by the Class of 2018 during the parade for all to see and be inspired by!
The event is not just a parade, it is an opportunity for every student in our district to see that their futures are bright and be inspired to create their own future educational goals. After the parade, the event will also include a time for seniors to spend time together, eat, and share their success stories with one another.
The resources we allocated for will go towards celebrating the amazing accomplishments of our graduating class. Backpacks will be stuffed to create college prize packs, getting our students ready for the next step in their education. Our students have worked hard and are truly deserving of recognition with other prizes as well, including college dorm room necessities such as flash drives, fridges, and fans!
About my class
Graduating high school is something to be proud of. Continuing your education beyond high school is also something to be proud of! Having this College SIGN-ing Day event in our district will show all students, kindergarten through high school, the importance of continuing their education.
My students have the opportunity to share their success with our whole school district. The Class of 2018 will proudly parade through our elementary, middle, and high schools and share their future pathways. At the event, there will be signs for every future educational and vocational commitment. These will be the signs that will be held by the Class of 2018 during the parade for all to see and be inspired by!
The event is not just a parade, it is an opportunity for every student in our district to see that their futures are bright and be inspired to create their own future educational goals. After the parade, the event will also include a time for seniors to spend time together, eat, and share their success stories with one another.
The resources we allocated for will go towards celebrating the amazing accomplishments of our graduating class. Backpacks will be stuffed to create college prize packs, getting our students ready for the next step in their education. Our students have worked hard and are truly deserving of recognition with other prizes as well, including college dorm room necessities such as flash drives, fridges, and fans!
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