The wobble chairs will provide my students the opportunity to move and wiggle during instruction. This will help children to stay engaged, focused, and on-task in a safe manner. Every child in my class will have the opportunity to use the wobble chairs and flex seats each day during whole and small group lessons.
By donating to my project, you will be providing a resource for students to get the most out of their learning environment. Research has shown that differentiated seating options lead to higher academic performance, better health, and improved behavior. Students also feel empowered when they are allowed to choose their learning environment. These seating options will allow them to take ownership and responsibility for their learning.
About my class
The wobble chairs will provide my students the opportunity to move and wiggle during instruction. This will help children to stay engaged, focused, and on-task in a safe manner. Every child in my class will have the opportunity to use the wobble chairs and flex seats each day during whole and small group lessons.
By donating to my project, you will be providing a resource for students to get the most out of their learning environment. Research has shown that differentiated seating options lead to higher academic performance, better health, and improved behavior. Students also feel empowered when they are allowed to choose their learning environment. These seating options will allow them to take ownership and responsibility for their learning.