My students need materials other than paper and pencil to show what they are understanding in Geometry class. Our school is limited in technology use for every student, so in my attempt to give students a different medium to think, write and share their understandings with each other I decided dry erase boards would be a great resource.
They love writing on the large dry erase board to present problems or work in groups since it is colorful, easier to make mistakes and erase, and they are able to write bigger to show me and their peers. Considering that all students love to write on the board, but not everyone is willing to present their work publicly in front of their peers, I would like all of my students to have the opportunity to show their work on a board. Having students graph on small dry erase boards with x- and y-axis grids will help me check for students' understanding of graphing, mapping and transformations to provide the necessary support sooner rather than later.
Due to massive budget cuts in our district and school, teachers were given only a third of the paper that we normally use in a school year so I am also requesting white copy paper. Even with an intention to move away from using too much paper, with a lack of resource options (i.e. technology for each student) I am left to continue classwork, projects, progress reports, etc. on paper. Not only can I not provide more than prior years, I would hate to have to provide less.
About my class
My students need materials other than paper and pencil to show what they are understanding in Geometry class. Our school is limited in technology use for every student, so in my attempt to give students a different medium to think, write and share their understandings with each other I decided dry erase boards would be a great resource.
They love writing on the large dry erase board to present problems or work in groups since it is colorful, easier to make mistakes and erase, and they are able to write bigger to show me and their peers. Considering that all students love to write on the board, but not everyone is willing to present their work publicly in front of their peers, I would like all of my students to have the opportunity to show their work on a board. Having students graph on small dry erase boards with x- and y-axis grids will help me check for students' understanding of graphing, mapping and transformations to provide the necessary support sooner rather than later.
Due to massive budget cuts in our district and school, teachers were given only a third of the paper that we normally use in a school year so I am also requesting white copy paper. Even with an intention to move away from using too much paper, with a lack of resource options (i.e. technology for each student) I am left to continue classwork, projects, progress reports, etc. on paper. Not only can I not provide more than prior years, I would hate to have to provide less.
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