The materials I am requesting will enable my students to work on an interdisciplinary, intercultural lesson in pragmatism, creativity and perseverance. Through this lesson, students will read the book Galimoto, by Karen Lynn Williams. This book is about an African boy named Kondi, who is on a quest for wire to make a toy motor car. Kondi must collect wire from different place and people in his village, not all of whom are sympathetic to his cause. Kondi demonstrates determination, resourcefulness and pragmatism, all good lessons for my students.
Through this lesson students will develop an awareness of another culture and the challenges and needs presented by that geographical location as it relates to poverty, pragmatism, and recycling of materials. Students will engage in creative self expression by designing their own 3 dimensional sculpture/ galimoto wire toy.
For this project i am requesting spooled wire foe the creation of the galomotos. We will also need fabric, yarn and glue guns for adding a fabric person onto the toy (we will make galimoto bicycles with a fabric person riding it).
I think this project will fit very nicely with the poverty unit students study in social studies.
About my class
The materials I am requesting will enable my students to work on an interdisciplinary, intercultural lesson in pragmatism, creativity and perseverance. Through this lesson, students will read the book Galimoto, by Karen Lynn Williams. This book is about an African boy named Kondi, who is on a quest for wire to make a toy motor car. Kondi must collect wire from different place and people in his village, not all of whom are sympathetic to his cause. Kondi demonstrates determination, resourcefulness and pragmatism, all good lessons for my students.
Through this lesson students will develop an awareness of another culture and the challenges and needs presented by that geographical location as it relates to poverty, pragmatism, and recycling of materials. Students will engage in creative self expression by designing their own 3 dimensional sculpture/ galimoto wire toy.
For this project i am requesting spooled wire foe the creation of the galomotos. We will also need fabric, yarn and glue guns for adding a fabric person onto the toy (we will make galimoto bicycles with a fabric person riding it).
I think this project will fit very nicely with the poverty unit students study in social studies.
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