This group of twenty two third graders, at an elementary school in Northern California, are a diverse mix, representing multiple cultures from around the world, speaking over 9 different languages collectively.
Talk about an eclectic mix of learners! Many of my students are English Learners, with everyone having their own unique learning styles. They always walk in the door excited to learn and grow!
I'm full of gratitude that I can spend my days pouring into my students. They are hard workers who thrive on curiosity, digging deeper and having fun while learning.
About my class
This group of twenty two third graders, at an elementary school in Northern California, are a diverse mix, representing multiple cultures from around the world, speaking over 9 different languages collectively.
Talk about an eclectic mix of learners! Many of my students are English Learners, with everyone having their own unique learning styles. They always walk in the door excited to learn and grow!
I'm full of gratitude that I can spend my days pouring into my students. They are hard workers who thrive on curiosity, digging deeper and having fun while learning.