My amazing students here are comprised of ESL, Special Needs, Regular Education and Talented and Gifted mixed together. We have ninety-six percent students on free or reduced price lunch, and the main source of employment for parents is a local prison.
The majority of our guardians of our students are single parents, or are grandparents raising their grandchildren.
Some families even move here to be close to family that may be incarcerated at our local prison. Regardless of what our parents do or don't do, we teach our students they are amazing, loved, gifted, and able.
Our school has few opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities, and the only local park is in the same lot as the local prison! So, as children are playing at our sole park, the prison, topped with the razor-sharp blades above the chain link fence, is looming in their background.
About my class
My amazing students here are comprised of ESL, Special Needs, Regular Education and Talented and Gifted mixed together. We have ninety-six percent students on free or reduced price lunch, and the main source of employment for parents is a local prison.
The majority of our guardians of our students are single parents, or are grandparents raising their grandchildren.
Some families even move here to be close to family that may be incarcerated at our local prison. Regardless of what our parents do or don't do, we teach our students they are amazing, loved, gifted, and able.
Our school has few opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities, and the only local park is in the same lot as the local prison! So, as children are playing at our sole park, the prison, topped with the razor-sharp blades above the chain link fence, is looming in their background.
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